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The Rotherham Bugle

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Man who forgot to put clock forward now an hour behind doing f*** all

A Rotherham man who completely forgot that British Summer Time started this morning, is now an hour behind in doing absolutely f*** all, it has emerged.

Martin Clunge, from Rawmarsh, woke at what he thought was 8.00am this morning having yesterday drafted out a detailed plan to do f*** all again today. He pottered about for an hour or so, doing f*** all, before switching on his TV. It was only then that, to his horror, he realised that the clocks had gone forward an hour and he was way behind on doing f*** all.

“I just don’t know how I’m going to make the time up.” he told our reporter via video link. “People might think it’s easy but it’s not. I mean, doing f*** all isn’t like other things. You can’t do it faster to catch up or get somebody to help you. You can never get the time doing f*** all back.”

As the Bugle went to press, Martin had hatched an ingenious plan to make up the hour of doing f*** all in October when the clocks go back again.

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