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Ikea Covid-19 test centre scrapped after NHS staff take longer to get out than quarantine period

A plan to use the Wembley Ikea branch as a test centre to screen NHS staff for the Covid-19 virus were scrapped this morning after a preliminary ‘dry run’ of the facility revealed that users would take longer to find their way out than the quarantine period.

It had been hoped that the test facility would enable key NHS staff to remain in work by quickly testing them for the virus, but many of those on the test run became disorientated in the soft furnishings section with others distracted and drawn towards the smell of freshly cooked meatballs.

“It was worth a try” a spokesperson for the local health authority told The Bugle “but it’s just not going to work. We’re going to lose some key staff for weeks in there and it’s just not safe to send search teams in to get them out. We need a rethink.”

Another plan to use Hampton Court Maze for testing is said to be still under serious consideration.

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