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Legal history made as word applies for restraining order

Legal history was made this afternoon when ‘unprecedented’ applied for a restraining order against the British media. It’s the first time that any inanimate entity, let alone a word, has made an application for such an order, and the move is seen as a mark of the extraordinary circumstances in which we all find ourselves.

A legal spokesperson for ‘unprecedented’ told The Bugle “The word feels that is being used and abused by both print and broadcast media on an hourly basis. It is more than happy to pull its weight in these difficult times but feels there are a dictionary full of words which are not being made subject to similar treatment like unparalleled, exceptional, atypical, extraordinary and remarkable to name just a few. Unprecedented feels as though it’s being unfairly singled out and wants it to stop.”

If the restraining order is granted, the courts are understood to be bracing themselves for a wave of similar claims from words like quarantine, self-isolation and social distancing which were all doing absolutely sod all until about six weeks ago.

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