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Tripadvisor announce No.1 UK tourist destination is now the fridge

In a dramatic turnaround, UK Tripadvisor users have named the fridge as their most popular tourist destination. It’s the first time the fridge has even featured in the list, as is the case for the destinations beaten into second and third place – the bog and the shed. Site users were effusive in their praise of the fridge.

“I just can’t get enough of it and visit about 20 times a day” said site user ‘Caged Dingle’ from Barnsley “It’s got everything you need from Stella to ice cream, right through to Pinot Grigio. I don’t know why anyone would go anywhere else.”

Praise was also heaped on the bog by other site users “You can sit in there for hours away from the family while admiring your collection of Izal’s finest” said user ‘Arswipehoarder’ “I’ve been coming here for weeks now and I’d recommend it to anyone.”

“I like it here so much, I’ve moved my bed in and everything” said Tripadvisor member ‘Familyguy’ when explaining why he likes the shed so much. “I’d recommend it to anyone who want some peace and quiet and to minimise their chances of being locked up for life for uxorcide.”

As the Bugle went to press, The Tripadvisor ratings for tourist experiences was still being updated but ‘Bin Day’ was already well ahead in the preliminary poll we were shown.

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