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Most rainbow paintings in windows ‘a bit shit’, new study reveals

A new study commissioned by The Bugle has exposed the shocking state of rainbow pictures posted in windows during the current global pandemic. The paintings, which have been posted in support of the NHS during the crisis have been widely praised, but our study reveals a worrying trend.

“Let’s be honest, most of them are shite.” said Professor Art Clunge who headed up the research team. ‘Poor composition’, ‘inaccurate colour representation’, ‘running paint’ and ‘paper not fit to wipe your arse on’ were just a few of the criticisms levelled at the paintings viewed by the research team.

“Some people might say that the paintings are a touching tribute from our children to the hard working and dedicated NHS and other front line workers in a time of national emergency, but is that any excuse for sloppy standards? I don’t think so.” said Professor Clunge. “A bit more effort is called for.”

Competitive parent Richard Head says he’s in full agreement with Professor Clunge. “We don’t have a rainbow in our window yet” he told The Bugle “and we won’t until Tabatha gets her act together. “I’ve had to bin 12 rainbows already this week because they’re just not good enough. How hard is it to remember the colours in the right order? There’s even a rhyme for it. I’m just glad she’s not started nursery yet or this could be really embarrassing

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