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Archives for May 2020

Doggers urged to disinfect their gearsticks as sites reopen

Dogging sites were given the green light to reopen this weekend as lockdown restrictions were eased further. It won’t be just business as usual though with strict guidelines in place to help maintain social distancing and keep all equipment virus free, especially glove boxes and gearsticks. “We’re just glad to be back in business,” said

Remake of Hancock’s Half Hour slammed by critics

The remake of iconic BBC radio and TV comedy Hancock’s Half Hour was branded a disappointment this morning as critics queued up to slam the show. As the latest episode aired live last night, featuring original star Tony Hancock’s long-lost nephew Matt, the rotten tomatoes were already coming in thick and fast. “Although Hancock is

Stay at home unless you’re going out, public warned

The gravity of the situation faced by the nation was underlined last night as the public were warned that they must stay at home unless they are going out. Clarifying the already clear message delivered in Sunday nights TV address Prime minister Boris Johnson emphasised that unless you are absolutely going out, you should stay

Barnsley pensioner, 92, still doing his own shoplifting

The world has rightly taken centurian Captain Tom Moore to its heart this week, but Barnsley had a heartwarming tale of its own as it was revealed that a 92 year old pensioner is defying Covid-19 and still continuing to do his own shoplifting despite the lockdown. Sid Clunge from Wombwell did his first term

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