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Time To Get Some Regular Clunge?

Sheldon Clunge, The Rotherham Bugle’s unofficial senior citizens correspondent is branching out with his own Facebook page. He is a man of many parts – a neighbourhood watch enforcer par excellence, a former fishmonger to the stars, and widely rumoured to be Rotherham’s most impressively endowed pensioner – a rumour he is rumoured to have started himself.

Sheldon has perused a number of interests since fileting his last cod, many of which have led to embarrassing brushes with the authorities and emergency services, but he remains a prominent figure in our local community. Much of what he has been accused of is either exaggerated, embellished, or the subject of ongoing legal proceedings.

His search for love in later life has brought him into contact with ladies as diverse as Gloria Hunniford, a dwarf stripper (well two actually) and whoever happens to be next to him in the queue when he collects his pension on a Thursday morning. Sheldon is not a man who discriminates.

At the tender age of 82, he has decided that it’s time to share his thoughts, experience, knowledge and philosophy built up over a lifetime via a regular blog which will be published on his Facebook page. Sheldon’s world is a complex one, juxtaposing tales of encounters with the stars over the fish counter, with more mundane ones involving bin day, fast acting laxatives and the practicalities of going dogging on a mobility scooter.

Having known and worked with Sheldon for a number of years., and stood bail for him even when his own family turned their backs, we are delighted to give his page our heartiest recommendation and hope you will pop across and like and follow him. You will make an old man very happy. Not so much political correctness gone mad as political correctness just gone.


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