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Barnsley women urged to wear bras back to front as back tit chafing crisis grows.

Health officials are urging  Barnsley women to wear their bras back to front this morning, as the number of cases of back tit chafing continues to climb. Barnsley Accident & Emergency department report a surge in cases that are putting a serious strain on resources.

An NHS trust spokesperson explained, “The majority of women in the Barnsley area have an impressive set of back knockers, and in many cases, they are bigger than the front set. It makes sense to simply whip the bra round the other way and head off the kind of injury that might be incurred when running for a pie or something.”

Officials accept that this is something of a sticking plaster fix and a more roots and branch solution is required. The Bugle understands that one local entrepreneur is working on a four-cup bra that fits over the head and keeps front and back tits firmly in place.

Regular readers will probably be aware that this isn’t the first time bespoke underwear has been mooted for the Barnsley market. Back in 2018, the now defunct  Gunties  underwear range was launched, but production ceased soon afterwards when the bespoke garment materials were needed to make tents to help deal with a humanitarian crisis in Somalia

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