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The Rotherham Bugle

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Hancock launches ‘Don’t Be a Whinger, Stay In Like a Ginger’ campaign

As the sun came out and temperatures rose over the weekend, Health Secretary Matt Hancock rolled out a new campaign, aimed at keeping the British public at home and away from open spaces during the Coronavirus outbreak.

‘Don’t Be a Whinger, Stay In Like a Ginger’ plays on the fact that people with ginger hair have low tolerance to direct sunlight, and as a result, tend to stay indoors. “This is precisely what we want everyone to do, and so the example of people like Prince Harry, Ed Sheeran and that bloke out of Harry Potter is one which we want everyone to follow.” he told The Bugle. Mr Hancock was quick to play down any suggestion that the new campaign is in any way gingerist.

“Carrot-tops are a valuable part of the community,” he said “and play a key role in taking the heat off other minority groups like baldies and pigeon fanciers.”

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