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Broom Valley Man Does iPhone Software Update At First Time Of Asking

In what is believed to be a world first, a Rotherham man has downloaded and installed an iPhone software update at the first time of asking. Dave Douglas, 27, from Fraser Road  downloaded the file last Monday night, just 20 minutes after receiving an alert to his phone that the update was required.

“I know people are amazed by what I’ve done and are calling me a ground breaking pioneer”, said a modest Dave “but there really wasn’t anything to it. Yes, because I was super-keen to  share a photo of a dog turd that looks like David Dickinson on Facebook,  I was tempted to keep pressing ‘Later’ until the phone refused to work . But sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone and show what you’re made of.

Dave’s actions have resulted in him receiving messages of congratulations from all over the world, but not everyone is impressed.  Dave’s best mate  Dougie David  thinks he’s being naïve and  manipulated. “I don’t update my iPhone  on principle,” he said “It’s like Marks and Spencer ringing you up and saying you’ve got to come in for new  undercrackers. What if I’m quite happy with the ones I’m wearing?  If I want to wear  knackered undercrackers, surely that’s a matter for me isn’t it?  I might like a bit of fresh air to my undercarriage, and it’s no business of anyone else.  I’m not having Apple telling me what pants to wear.”

We asked Dave if he has any more plans for pioneering acts. He looked wistfully into the distance….”I think I’d like to be the first person to read the terms and conditions on an online contract, rather than just scrolling to the bottom and ticking the box.” he said “Now that really would be something”.

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