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Plan to control Squirrel population using oral contraceptives hidden in food could soon be rolled out to chavs

A clever plan to control grey squirrel populations by hiding oral contraceptives in their food, could have wider applications it has been revealed. Government scientists say that early trials of the system, which involves luring grey squirrels into feeding boxes using pots containing hazelnut spread spiked with contraceptives, are showing encouraging results. “We’re very pleased

Barnsley Woman To Have Back Shaved For Charity

A woman from Barnsley is to take the unusual step of having her back shaved for charity. Karen Clunge (28) from Wombwell hopes to raise at least £12.50 for a refuge for battered fish in Royston when she has the procedure carried out at Postlethwaites Beauty Emporium on Wombwell High Street, next Wednesday. “I’m sure

Barnsley Player Urged To Come Out After Ordering Half

A Barnsley FC footballer has been urged to come to terms with his sexuality this morning, after it emerged that he ordered a half at an end of season club event. The Bugle understands the player, who hasn’t been named to protect his privacy, has also been spotted reading a book and applying deodorant. The

How Well Do You Know The Highway Code?

How long is it since you looked at the Highway Code? If you passed your driving test a number of years ago, we’d wager it’s a long time. And that’s a worry because things change. With that in mind, we’ve compiled some recent additions to the Highway Code which you may have missed. Here are

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